Our organization has the pleasure and honour to have received two scholarships from the program “Epic Public Voice Scholarships for NGOs” to participate in the 40th “International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners” in Brussels (22-26 October).

The scholarships could be obtained only by 20 organizations worldwide and they are provided by EPIC, a worldwide well-respected research centre headquartered in Washington D.C, U.S.A which focuses its activity and attention at the protection of privacy, freedom of expression and the democratic values in the society of information.

The conference is organized by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) and it is widely respected concerning the issues of privacy and personal data protection.

Taking part in the process we will be able to observe speeches and conversations about various relevant issues and exchange ideas with other digital rights organizations from all over the world, academics, as well as representatives of organizations of the EU and the Council of Europe, with government spokesmen of other countries, members of supervising authorities and company agents.

The schedule of the event can be found here.

Stay tuned!