Introductory meeting between Homo Digitalis and the Greek Data Protection Authority

Homo Digitalis had the pleasure of meeting the representatives of the Greek Data Protection Authority. Present at the meeting were the Chairperson of the Authority Mr K. Menoudakos, also Mr V. Zorkadis (Director of the Secretariat) and E. Athanasiadis (Communication Manager). Homo Digitalis was represented by E. Vamvaka, Mr K. Kakavoulis and Mr E. Mandrakis.

We discussed the broader context of the personal data protection and privacy in our country and in particular the results of the first period of application of the GDPR and the compliance of Greek stakeholders with it.

We also turned our attention to the feedback that the Authority receives from the citizens regarding the protection of their personal data. We acknowledged the importance of the Authority’s mission and the relevant challenges and we consider necessary the reinforcement of the Authority with the requisite human and economic means.

The Authority applauded the presence of an NGO, which occupies with the protection of digital rights and can reinforce the dialogue within civil society and emphasise their importance in Greece. Both sides sought possibilities for cooperation directed to the enhancement and protection of these rights.

Homo Digitalis supports the important work carried out by the Data Protection Authority. We are optimistic that our action and through continued cooperation we will contribute to its mission.