Today, 3 January 2020, Homo Digitalis sent an open letter to the Greek Data Protection Authority, communicating the violation of article 53 of Law 4624/2019 by the Greek Police.

According to this provision, all law enforcement authorities in Greece must publish general, easily accessible and understandable information on their websites regarding their data processing activities. Such information are for instance the way of communication with the data controller and the rights of the data subject.

The website of the Greek Police and the Ministry of Citizen Protection do not contain such information.

With 5 months having already passed from the adoption of Law 4624/2019, we submitted that non-compliance of the Greek Police with the said provision constitutes an important obstacle to the actual protection of people’s rights.

We have contacted the Greek Police on the issue twice: on 19 November 2019 and 3 December 2019. We did not receive any response.

Therefore, we communicated this violation to the President of the Greek Data Protection Authority.

Our letter and all relevant documents are available in Greek here.