Last week, the Council of Europe’s Standing Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI) adopted at its last plenary session for 2020 the Feasibility Study of a Legal Framework for Artificial Intelligence.

Our co-founding member and secretary of the Board Eleftherios Chelioudakis, represented Homo Digitalis during the three-day plenary session (December 15-17), while also as a member of the Policy Development Group (PDG), he actively participated in the writing process of the relevant study for the last 4 months.

At the beginning of 2021 the study will be officially presented to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. The beginning of the working process of the  Legal Framework Group (LFG), which will be responsible for the preparation of specific legal proposals for adoption, is also expected. Homo Digitalis also participates as a member in this working group.

Will we have a Convention on Artificial Intelligence from the Council of Europe  in the future? Nobody knows yet, but it appears that the Council of Europe is carefully considering this option as well, unlike other bodies that insist on adopting ethical guidelines without a legal basis.

We are very happy that several of our proposals have been adopted and are being part of  the final text of the Study.

You can read more about the CAHAI Study and its work on the official website of the Council of Europe.